Thursday 27 May 2010

the show

This is a simple mock up of what I hope that the end of year show will look like for me, I want to string my flicker book across the pillars in the front of the feed studio. To do this I will have to not bind my flicker book. This form of layout I feel will give a great sense of scale and look impressive in the studio I think.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

The Final Thing.

Hear are to vids showing my flick book in action. The animation works well, and looks fairly smooth which is a plus. In these two vids I tried to get as many pictures showing as possible but a few are skipped hear and there but over all I think you get the general feel of what the final book will turn out to look like.

Friday 21 May 2010


Over all I think this project has gone very well. It was a large task to aspire to and took a lot of effort but I'm very happy with the way the flicker book turned out in the end. One of the things that I feel I have been successful with in this work is the amount of contextual and relevant research I have looked at. In this project I have had the chance to look at many different artists and I feel it has exposed me to different ways of working and creating illustrations. There have been a few ideas floating around my head for this FMP but I went with the first idea I had and developed it, which has been very successful and has been complete, but has caused a lack of varied development work in the blog. This wasn't helped with the fact that I heavily researched and drew ideas from that rather than through trial and error. The development side of my work is my weakest and has the most room to improve. But it is very focused and lead to a very successful final piece.

With the flick book I wanted to look at the nature of evolution and the way some aspects of modern society are very unstable, to help show this I looked at making the drawings and designs very simple in the start, slowly progressing into a more complex heavily drawn stile. Whilst the final book retains this idea I think that the progression is hard to see and could be much clearer. The drawings are very simple and naive which is what I was going for but I feel it may have winded out to much so, b¨t bare in mind the flick-book is supposed to be looked at as a whole and not on an page by page drawing basis. The book has its flaws but at the same time I think it has a small charm to it in the way the charters and environments have been made. I wanted to keep it nice and bright and this I feel I have achieved fairly well.

Something I could have been more careful with is my time management, which I think has been less than great, I got all the work done however I think I could have spaced the work load out better, making the final production less stressful to make.

Overall I think this FMP has been a fun experience and I think I have accomplished a good amount of work. I tried to make something more interesting than a ordinary animation, which was daring and I gave me a harsh learning curve. I hope to achieve well with this project and have had a fun (and not so fun) time with it.

Thursday 20 May 2010

The Beast.

Read the title. My flicker book in all its unholy glory! Worked my ass of on this one and it was a interesting experience, that I never want to have again. The amount of time I've vested in making the book is substantial but thats to be expected with the FMP I guess, overall I think it could be better but I'm pleased with it and no can say that I didn't try can they?

Some more

This is an attempt of another hand rendered route I could have gone down, this idea was to use the idea of repeating patterns found in most of my research with zak smiths stile of cross hatching, it would have taken me a long tine to do however and I'm not particularly fond of it, I think the format is way to busy to be read as a flicker book and the smaller details are lost.


This is another possible stile chose I could have made if I decided to make the book digital, it is heavily influenced by Sanna Annukkas under the iron sea album cover. For similar reasons with the other idea I chose not to take this any farer. I do really like the stile of it however it has a great boldness to it and the simple shapes are a really nice touch.

Cut out

This was one of my early ideas for my project, I was potentially going to make an animation in aftereffects using simple graphics like the example, it would have been a very nice animation and would have finished well, but this is the FMP and I thought I would do something more adventurous with it so in the end I went with making the hand drawn flick book.