Monday 8 February 2010

london images secondary research for my FMP

This is a mosquito, a blood sucking insect which can transmit many forms of blood related decease, the image above is a enlarged model of one,I believe it was in the exhibition beacuse of the nature of its feeding, and how it can process human or animal blood effectively within its body, also because of the amount of harm full parasites, bacterial and viral infections.   
This is a image of a skeleton, I included this image because of the ascetic look of it. The way the image  has a good contrast within the frame, the image contains negative space, the image looks very natural almost plant like, i like the way its positioning creates a sense of flow. 
This is a picture of a book that contains the letters of a human DNA sequence, there are multiple books that have this small text over a thousand pages, and tat is only the sequence contained in one cell.
I noted this image because i liked the look and form of it, the Florissant tubbing coiled in a double helix. The image has a very profound sense of movement within the shape and the light ands a very warm artistic natural glow to the image. 
This is a full picture of all the books within the book case, rmember this makes up one cell! 

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