Thursday 25 March 2010

Ok with the FMP pressure piling up and A strong suggestion form the all powerful tutor I have found it prudent to update mah blog ‘n’ stuff, the image above is one of a design made by non other than the Barnmister himself Jonathan Barnbrook, the design has a very real relevance to what I have decided to do on my FMP with the focus on the evolution of man, cultivating in the self-destruction of it all , this image as with all the work Barnbrook puts out is incredibly clever and says a lot of things in a very simple and effective way, his use of the simple vector lines is instantly recognizable as humanoid in appearance, with the evolutionary progress itself being a recognized icon, the image is very easy to decipher and creates a very clear, strong point. The design says a lot in a small way with the recognizable shape of an army uniform turning on the rest of the line to take a shot, sending the viewer a message of what the world is coming to, not only that but there is a close attention paid to less for-fronted aspects, such as the end figure being crouched to a smaller size as the monkey at the start showing that we are devolving back into animals at our current rate and also the solider figure has a shot on every other one in the entire image, showing that all of humanities history, achievement and chance will be wiped out. The simple arrow shape below the intel design works well in reaffirming us that the final image is still attached and part of the same grope of figures in the line.

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