Friday 22 January 2010

A Annoying Question!

This was a very early brief I was given in collage, we had to produce a design on something that people say, in my case i chose a phrase that annoys me every time someone says it and that phrase or question is were did you loose it? It has always annoyed me because in reference to having lost something if the said person knew where they lost it said object would not be missing! Simple no? Well anyway I went about designing the piece on the items people loose, such as remotes, socks (in my case memory sticks) and then designed a irregular font based on it. The final outcome came out very well, and had a unexpected retro look to it. Thus the use of the triply question mark or maybe i was in a hippy mood. ANYWAY the design turned out looking really good and i'm very pleased with it.

The two designs above are variations in color which I feel don't work as well as the blue plus there is a spelling error in both of em XD.

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