Friday 22 January 2010

a selection of type postcards

Some of the designs are among my favorite examples of minimalism i have made thus far. They are based around the idea of showing different ways more traditional examples handle typography, the one above refers to the size of body copy in that it is usually best kept to between 8 and 10 pts this is shown very simply in the forms of red dots instead of numbers down ether side of the design, I chose to use the elegant and simple helvetica neu typeface to keep the design as bear as passable, which in this case worked well as was indeed a good thing. The whole design has a solid black fill as i feel that is is one of the ways to make use of negative space in an image.
This design has a focus on stress, the main way I have tried to show this through the design is to make some elements within it less bold to give the feeling of being less stressed on the paper, the link is simple and very to the point and it has made a simple to the point and somewhat mordesq image. The concept of stress through weight is reenforced through the use of simple lines in the middle that go from light to dark and then red with the weight of line thinking.This graphic reenforces the type and fills the design somewhat which i thought in this case was needed.
The 'correct' version of my first post, I don't like it as much as that one but it still works well the design again carries over the theme of super simplicity and basically shows its meaning in the most up front way. Kerning is the space between characters and I have shown how it should be kept even with simple evenly spaced lines in the corner of the design.
This design is breaking the traditional type rule of maintaining a medium length of line not making them to long of short, i have broken the rule in this design be doing just that, streching the lines of the characters to make them to long. I put the design on a simple of black background so the wight and black text and lines would show up with equal intensity, overall I think that design came out very well and it shows the rule and it being broken!
This is the traditional version of the design above in that I have laid the text out neatly and not broken the rule, Although the design is probably my most simple it is also one of my favorite.

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